Apert syndrome: Severe Right Proximal Humerus…
Presented By
Stephanie Buchan; Roger Walton; Pundrique Sharma
Author's Preferred Technique
Presented By
Anthony Riccio, MD
Author's Preferred Technique
Presented By
Suken Shah, MD, FAOA, FAAOS
Jennifer Beck, MD from UCLA and the Orthopaedic…
Presented By
Carter Clement, MD, MS
Josh Holt, MD
Limb reconstruction is slowly evolving away from…
Presented By
Christopher Iobst, MD
Simon Kelley, MD
Jill Flanagan, MD
Eric Gordon, MD Organization
Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction Society (LLRS)
ACL reconstruction in skeletally immature…
Presented By
Benjamin Forst, PA-C; Tomasina Marie Leska, BS; Theodore J Ganley, MD Organization
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
2016 IPOS Preferred Techniques
Presented By
Mininder S. Kocher, MD, MPH Organization
Boston Children's Hospital
Arthroscopically assisted ACL reconstruction in…
Presented By
Eric W. Edmonds, MD Organization
Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego; 360 Sports Medicine